Online FSL Lesson/Unit Planning Modules


We created two online modules available in English and French about how to create a lesson plan and how to create a unit plan. Modules were launched online in January 2022 and are still accessible on York University's platform today. These modules were designed to take students through the steps of creating a lesson and unit from start to finish. Ideally, at the end, students would have a completed unit or lesson that they could use in their teaching practices. Participants could either download the modules as .html files or access them entirely online. Alongside these modules were resources, examples, and templates for teacher candidates to follow along with. We also created a shared resources folder where participants could upload their lesson or unit plans to share broadly with others.

Modules were hosted on a York University affiliated website that required a York University ID to log in. Modules were also shared as .html files with University of Ottawa members who shared them within their institution.

Lesson Plans

Unit Plans

Impact and feedback from the participants

We had 21 participants access this website. However, despite so many accessing the website, none submitted a completed module and very few even opened any of the resources. No one contributed to any of the shared resources folders. Additionally, no one downloaded anything. 3 participants viewed the modules: 2 viewed lesson planning and 1 viewed unit planning. 

It is clear that the way these modules were designed did not organically encourage collaboration or even use of the modules themselves. While they may be helpful for students, the timing of this intervention could have been an issue (late January) as well as the sheer amount of content to go through when students are already overwhelmed with the program. 

One respondent noted that they did not yet have time to go through the modules, but that they thought they would be useful: 

“I wish that I was able to speak more to the online FSL modules, as I think this is a helpful resource to have access to. In my first year, I had to create a lesson plan for a course without having any knowledge on how to effectively create one.” 

Additionally, this same respondent said that these modules should be integrated into the program itself: 

“I do think that the online FSL modules could easily be integrated however, and would offer a space where we can share lesson and unit plans to take into our own practice – only if it is used as the platform for our assignments, not an addition to the content (it might be too much if we’re expected to do it all).” 

Students evidently need step-by-step support in lesson and unit planning, but this might be something worth trying to implement earlier on in the program and have it fully integrated into their course work.